Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Duck, Duck, Goose

I've decided that I should be writing down all the cute things my kids do and say.... and I'm going to try and be better about it. It's amazing how quickly I forget the thing they did last week that I said was the cutest thing ever!
Yesterday when Mason and Makaila were at school. Mia and Mariah decided to play Duck, Duck, Goose. Mia sat down and Mariah tapped Mia on the head and said, Duck..... Then they both paused and realized that they would need more people to play. I could see their little brains working, with out talking Mia stood up and they both grabbed a toy chair, and put them in the middle of the room and then Mia sat down again in a circle with the two chairs. Mariah began again. Tapped Mia on the head, "Duck" tapped the princess chair, "Duck" tapped the Monkey chair, "Goose!" she grabbed the chair and ran in a circle dragging the monkey chair behind her and sat where the Monkey chair had been and said, "Whew, that was close." LOL!!! Then Mia stood up, "My turn Rya" She started. Tapped the monkey chair, "Duck". Then Mariah shouts, "Pick me, Mia!!! Pick me!!!" and Mia taps Mariah on the head, "Goose!" they run in the circle and Mariah tags Mia and they fall on the ground, roll around and giggle. They are so cute. Later that night after I read them both a story that they picked out and put them in their beds, gave the hugs and kisses. I left and could hear them quietly talking to each other. When I came back after they had fallen asleep to check on them, I found them both in Mia's bed fast asleep. Mariah had climbed into Mia's bed, probably before they fell asleep since Mariah was closest to the wall and Mia was on the edge, of the tiny toddler bed. They have so much fun together and everything they do is cute. I am going to make every effort to write the little things they do and say down here from now on.