Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mama!

I had my 34th birthday on Saturday. I got a small Nikon CoolPix camera that takes short videos as well as pictures. So I am making my first attempt at posting a video..... It is uploading as I type. I have a nice professional camera, but it's big and expensive! I wanted a small camera that I could keep in my purse to capture pictures, there have been several times that I've been somewhere and wished I had my camera on me.

It was a very nice birthday even though it was a rainy day. Makaila went to a birthday party, and Mason went to the movies. Afterwards, we all went to my parents house and had cake, and opened presents. Then my parents watched our kids and Cliff and I went out to dinner. When I was tucking the babies into bed, Mariah sang this birthday song for me, which is hopefully uploading correctly.

We had a small earthquake yesterday, Mia and Mariah were playing on the computer when I checked on them after the quake, Mia said, "Mommy, something shaked us!" Very cute. I told them that it was an earthquake and they both ran into the living room to see the earthquake. They stopped in the middle of the room and said, "Where's the earthquake, Mama?" hmm... I tried to explain what an earthquake was, but it probably went right over their heads. It's so cute to see their brains working.

I received many birthday calls, emails, cards and hugs. I felt very loved and I'm so thankful for my family and friends. It's hard to believe I'm midway into my 30's. Sometimes with small toddlers at home the days seem to drag, but I'm realizing now that time seems too be passing too quickly. Even if there is a never ending pile of laundry and dishes, I need to stop and enjoy my four sweet kids because before I know it they'll be grown and out of the house. I think the kids and I need to have a dance party tonight.

Alright, I'm done typing and the video still says it's uploading... I wonder how long it's supposed to take.